Cyber Edu - forest

Originaly made by my teammate Andrei

This challenge’s description is:

You're walking through a forest at night... can you escape it? The flag is the answer to the three questions.

We recive a binary file called forest.

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Decompiling the binary in IDA, we see nothing interesting in main

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When we see nothing interesting in main, we have to start somwhere we know. Knowing that when we run the binary we get some strings, we can leverage that into searching for them in IDA.

In IDA: we go to view > open subviews > strings and search for the question: Do you go there?

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Double clicking the resulting string will pop us at the memory address that has the string that we searched for.

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We can see that the string ‘Do you go there?’ is stored inside unk_3F0A9. By going to XREF we can see where is this string used in the binary.

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By double clicking the highlighted text we will jump to the point where our string is referenced.

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We see that the place that the string is referenced to is referenced as well, so we will double click again the XREF.

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Great! We found the place where the string is used and commented the line with it so that we’ll know where it is. Now we will search for the string ‘You waited too long and someone…’

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We found the second string as well. Now we see that it sits inside a condition. We see in the condition ptr != 1701999987.

Converting the number into characters we get: ‘erus’ which reversed is ‘sure’. This looks like a potential answer. Let’s try it.

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Awesome! We found the answer to the first question, and got a answer. We will search for the second question and so on until we find every answer.

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